What is Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine is actually a medical specialty that focuses on diseases of internal organ systems such as infections, heart, liver and stomach, muscle and bone, lung and nerves to name many. Patients are considered adult from the point of view of internal medicine from the age of 16. Caring for this diverse population of adolescents thru elderly and the distinct needs of each generation is the hallmark of internal medicine. Many of our patients are on multiple drugs that have potential interactions. Their needs often involve the simultaneous management of multiple chronic diseases. In addition to treating disease prevention of disease is also pioneered by internal medicine as a way to prevent future illness or lessen the severity of a serious condition.

Many major specialists that care for adult patients (such as Cardiologists, Pulmonologists, Gastroenterologists, Cancer specialists, Endocrinologists, and Geriatricians) are actually branches of our specialty. First physicians complete a full three year residency in medicine, and if so choosing go on to sub-specialize in their chosen field to work with the general internist to properly care for patients with serious medical conditions both in and out of the hospital. This partnership is unique to internal medicine and, with the general internist at the center of coordinating treatment, offers the patient the most optimum medical treatment.